
Lucien Freud: The Self-portraits – In the presence of the artist

Lucien Freud (1922-2011) Reflection with Two Children (Self-portrait) (1965)

What a strange world Freud lived in! He lurks and looms and threatens. There are no smiles in his world, no human connections, no stories. Inside his studio, it’s airless and alienating as he dominates and menaces his sitters and us the viewers. After spending time with him, you might decide you don’t like Freud but believe me, you’ll have lots to think about.

The Invention of Dora Maar

Dora Maar

Ambitious, talented, independent and politically committed, Maar was much more than Picasso’s inamorata and carved out a career of stunning variety that took her from advertising and erotica, through street photography, surrealism and landscape painting, to a final intriguing experiment with abstract photography. It’s just a shame that in their anxiety to restore the reputation of forgotten female artists, Tate Modern is reluctant to tell Maar’s story in the context of the men in her life and we learn little about Maar the person and the extraordinary company she kept. The real Dora Maar remains elusive.